The process of cylinder porting is a funny paradox. The people in the market to
buy it are looking for information and the people in the market of selling it
are hiding information on porting. So much myth and misinformation is associated
with this complex machining and metal finishing process. Yet the tooling is
easily available and the design of the ports is actually quite straightforward
with resources like computer design programs. This article is an overview of how
porting is performed and how it can benefit your performance demands.
Two-Stroke Principles::.
Although a two-stroke engine has fewer moving parts than a four-stroke engine, a
two-stroke is a complex engine with different phases taking place in the
crankcase and in the cylinder bore at the same time. This is necessary because a
two-stroke engine completes a power cycle in only 360 degrees of crankshaft
rotation, compared to a four-stroke engine, which requires 720 degrees of
crankshaft rotation to complete one power cycle. Two-stroke engines aren't as
efficient as four-stroke engines, meaning that they don't retain as much air as
they draw in through the intake. Some of the air is lost out the exhaust pipe.
If a two-stroke engine could retain the same percentage of air, they would be
twice as powerful as a four-stroke engine because they produce twice as many
power strokes in the same number of crankshaft revolutions. The following is an
explanation of the basic operation of the two-stroke engine.
Starting with the piston at top dead center (TDC 0 degrees) ignition has
occurred and the gasses in the combustion chamber are expanding and pushing down
the piston. This pressurizes the crankcase causing the reed valve to close. At
about 90 degrees after TDC the exhaust port opens ending the power stroke. A
pressure wave of hot expanding gasses flows down the exhaust pipe. The blow-down
phase has started and will end when the transfer ports open. The pressure in the
cylinder must blow-down to below the pressure in the crankcase in order for the
unburned mixture gasses to flow out the transfer ports during the scavenging
2.Now the transfer ports are uncovered at about 120 degrees after TDC. The
scavenging phase has begun. Meaning that the unburned mixture gasses are flowing
out of the transfers and merging together to form a loop. The gasses travel up
the backside of the cylinder and loops around in the cylinder head to scavenge
out the burnt mixture gasses from the previous power stroke. It is critical that
the burnt gasses are scavenged from the combustion chamber, to make room for as
much unburned gasses as possible. That is the key to making more power in a
two-stroke engine. The more unburned gasses you can squeeze into the combustion
chamber, the more the engine will produce. Now the loop of unburned mixture
gasses have traveled into the exhaust pipe's header section. Most of the gasses
aren't lost because a compression pressure wave has reflected from the baffle
cone of the exhaust pipe, to pack the unburned gasses back into the cylinder
before the piston closes off the exhaust port.
Now the crankshaft has rotated past bottom dead center (BDC 180 degrees) and the
piston is on the upstroke. The compression wave reflected from the exhaust pipe
is packing the unburned gasses back in through the exhaust port as the piston
closes off the port the start the compression phase. In the crankcase the
pressure is below atmospheric producing a vacuum and a fresh charge of unburned
mixture gasses is flowing through the reed valve into the crankcase.
The unburned mixture gasses are compresses and just before the piston reaches
TDC, the ignition system discharges a spark causing the gasses to ignite and
start the process all over again.
What is Porting::.
Porting is a metal finishing process performed to the passageways of a
two-stroke cylinder and crankcases, that serves to match the surface texture,
shapes and sizes of port ducts, and the timing and angle aspects of the port
windows that interface with the cylinder bore. The port windows determine the
opening and closing timing of the intake, exhaust, blowdown, and transfer phases
that take place in the cylinder. These phases must be coordinated to work with
other engine components such as the intake and exhaust system. The intake and
exhaust systems are designed to take advantage of the finite amplitude waves
that travel back and forth from the atmosphere. Porting coordinates the opening
of the intake, exhaust, and transfer ports to maximize the tuning affect of the
exhaust pipe and intake system. Generally speaking porting for more mid-range
acceleration is intended for use with stock intake and exhaust systems.
These are some common words and terms associated with porting.
Passageways cast and machined into the cylinder.
The tube shape that comprises the ports.
The part of the port that interfaces the cylinder bore.
Exhaust Port::.
The large port where the burnt gasses exit the cylinder.
Exhaust Bridge::.
The center divider used on triangular shaped exhaust ports.
Sub-Exhaust Ports::.
The minor exhaust ports positioned on each side of the main exhaust port.
Triple Ports::.
One main bridgeless exhaust port with one sub exhaust port on each side.
Front Transfers::.
Transfer ports link the crankcase to the cylinder bore. The front set (2) of
transfers is located closest to the exhaust port.
Rear Transfers::.
The rear set of transfers is located closest to the intake port.
Auxiliary Transfers::.
Some cylinders have a minor set of transfers located between the front and rear
Transfer Port Area Ratio::.
The area of the crankcase side of the transfers divided by the area of the port
Boost Ports::.
The port or ports that are located opposite of the exhaust port and in-line with
the intake port. These ports are usually by-pass ports for the intake or piston
and sharply angled upwards to help direct the gas flow during scavenging.
A mathematical computation of the area of a port, divided by the displacement of
the cylinder, and multiplied by the time that the port is open. The higher an
engine revs the more time-area the port needs. The higher the piston speed the
less time available for the gas to flow through the port.
The number of crankshaft angle rotational degrees that a port is open.
Opening Timing::.
The crank angle degree when the piston uncovers the port.
Crank Angle::.
Measured in units of degrees of crankshaft rotation. On a two-stroke engine
there are a total of 360 degrees of crankshaft rotation in one power cycle.
Port Side angle::.
The side angle of a port measured at the window, from the centerline of the bore
with the exhaust port being the starting point (0).
Port Roof angle::.
The angle of the top of the port at the window.
Port Height::.
The distance from the top of the cylinder to the opening point of the port.
Top Dead Center (TDC)::.
The top of the piston's stroke.
Bottom Dead Center (BDC)::.
The bottom of the piston's stroke.
Chordal Width::.
The effective width of a port, measured from the straightest point between
Brake Mean Effective Pressure.(Brake Mean Effective Pressure
Engineering Term & Method of Comparing All Engines
Average Cylinder Pressure in PSI
Two Stroke
-- BMEP = HP x 6500 / L x RPM
Four Stroke -- BMEP = HP x 13000 / L x RPM
L = Displacement in Litres (80 cc = .08 Litres) (700 cc = .7 Litres)
Note: 3% Loss of HP & Air Density -- each 1000 ft. of Elevation Above Sea Level
Examples: 1000 T- Cat 166 hp @ 8400 rpm
(166 hp x 6500 = 1079000) / (1 x 8400) = 128.45 BMEP
(190 hp x 6500 = 1235000) / (1 x 8400) = 147.02 BMEP
Ported T Cat ~ Exhaust TA (time area) = 155.6 BMEP @ 8400 rpm
155.6 / (6500 / 8400) = 0.7738 ~ 155.6/.7738 = 201.08 hp
700 Yamaha Mtn. Max 140 hp @ 8200 rpm
(140 x 6500 = 910000) / (.7 x 8200 = 5740) = 158.53 BMEP
142 hp @ 8000 rpm (923000) / (5600) = 164.82 BMEP
150 hp @ 9000 rpm (975000 / (6300) = 154.76 BMEP
982 SRX Union Bay 211 hp @ 8900 rpm
(211 x 6500 = 1371500) / (.982 x 8900 = 8739.8) = 156.93 BMEP
Good way to compare engine volumetric efficiency. Engine compression in psi plus
pipe working at 110% may? come close to BMEP. If your BMEP is not higher than
your compression psi -- you have a problem.
Snowmobile Guidelines: Less than 160 BMEP = 92 octane Pump Gas
Race Sleds 160 -190 BMEP = 94 octane - C16 Race Gas
Loop Scavenging::.
Scavenging is the process of purging the combustion chamber of burnt gasses.
Loop scavenging refers to the flow pattern generated by the transfer port duct
shapes and port entry angles and area. The gasses are directed to merge together
and travel up the intake side of the bore into the head and loop around towards
the exhaust port.
This is the time-area of the exhaust port between the opening time of the
exhaust and the transfers. When the exhaust port opens the pressure blows down,
ideally to below the rising pressure of the gasses in the transfer ports.
Blow-down is measured in degrees of crank rotation and time-area.
Effective Stroke::.
The distance from TDC to the exhaust port height. The longer the effective
stroke the better the low-end power.
Primary Compression Ratio::.
The compression ratio of the crankcase.
Secondary Compression Ratio::.
The compression ratio of the cylinder head.
Compression Waves::.
Pressure waves that reflects from the end of the intake or exhaust system and
return to the engine.
Expansion Waves::.
Pressure waves that travel from the engine and out to the atmosphere.
Tools of the Trade::.
There are two main types of tools used in porting, measuring and grinding. Here
is an overview of how these tools are used.
The basic measuring tools include a dial caliper, an inside divider, and an
assortment of angle gauges. The caliper is used to measure the port height, the
divider is used to measure the chordal width of the port, and the angle gauges
are used to measure the roof and side angles of the ports. Calipers and dividers
are available from places like Sears or industrial supply stores. Angle gauges
are fashioned from cardboard and specific to individual cylinders.
The most common grinding tools are electric powered. They consist of a motor,
speed control, flexible drive shaft, tool handle, and tool bits. The power of
these motors ranges from 1/5th to 1/4th HP with a maximum rpm of 15,000.
The tool handles and bits are the secret to porting. There are two types of tool
handles; straight and right angle. The straight tool handles are used for
machining the port ducts. The right angle tool handles are used to gain access
to the port windows from the cylinder bore. Over the years I've tested hundreds
of different tool bits and arrived at some simple materials and patterns for
finishing the different surfaces of a cylinder. The materials of a cylinder
range from aluminum as the base casting material, to a cast iron or steel liner,
or nickel composite plated cylinder bores. Here are the basic tool bits used for
porting; tungsten carbide works best for aluminum, steel, and cast iron, stones
are best for grinding through nickel composite. The tungsten carbide tool bits
are available in hundreds of different patterns and shapes. The diamond pattern
is the best performing and the shape of the bit should match the corresponding
shape of the port. Stones, or mounted points as they are termed in industrial
supply catalogs, are available in different shapes and grits. The grits are
graded by the color of the stones. Gray being the most course and red being the
most fine. The finer the grit the faster it wears but the smoother the finish.
Making Ports Bigger::.
Generally speaking, if you're trying to raise the peak rpm of the powerband with
an aftermarket exhaust system of clutching on a snowmobile, the ports will
probably need to be machined in this manner; widen the transfer ports for more
time-area and raise the exhaust port for more duration. Most OEM cylinders have
exhaust ports that are cast to the maximum safe limit of chordal width. Often
times widening the exhaust port will cause accelerated piston and ring wear. In
some cases the port will be widened so far that it breaks through into the water
jacket. The internal casting on some cylinders is so thin that it prevents
tuners from widening the exhaust port. Transfer ports should be widened with
respect to the piston ring centering pins. The ports should have a safe margin
of 2mm for the centering pin. The height of the transfer ports is based on the
time-area of the exhaust port above the transfer port opening height. That is
called Blow-down. The exhaust port has to evacuate the cylinder bore of burnt
gasses before the transfers open, otherwise backflow will occur into the
crankcase. That can cause a variety of dangerous problems like blown crank
seals, chipped or burnt reeds, or in extreme circumstances a fire that can
extend out of the carb. The angles of the transfers are important too. Generally
speaking when the side angles direct the gasses to the intake side of the
cylinder, or the roof angles are a steep angle 15-25 degrees), the porting will
be better for trail-riding. When the side angles direct the gasses to the center
of the cylinder and the roof angles are nearly flat (0-5 degrees), the porting
will be better suited to drag or lake racing.
Making Ports Smaller::.
Ports are purposely made smaller for several reasons. One or more of the ports
could have been designed too big, or a well-meaning tuner may have been
overzealous, or a customer may have asked for more that he could handle. There
are performance gains to be had from smaller ports, for high altitude
compensation or for more punch for trail and snowcross riding. Simply using a
thinner base gasket or by turning-down the cylinder base on a lathe. Cometic
Gasket Co. in Mentor Ohio makes graded gaskets from .25 to 1.5mm and even custom
base plates for stroker engines. (www.cometic.com) Another method is by welding
the perimeter of the port, although that entails replating the bore. Transfer
and intake ports can be made smaller with the use of epoxy. Brand name products
like DURO Master Mend or Weld-Stick are chemical resistant, easy to mold to fit,
and can withstand temperatures of 400F. Master Mend is a liquid product and
Weld-Stick is a semi-dry putty material. The epoxy can be applied to the roof of
the ports to retard the timing and reduce the duration. It can be applied to the
sides of the transfers to reduce the time-area, and it can be applied to the
transfer ducts to boost the primary compression ratio (crankcase volume).